EU Commissioner Šemeta shares the outcome of a discussion of the Member States in Dublin on tax evasion.
In the discussion Šemeta heard that the Member States want quick agreement on the EU Savings Directive and the mandates to negotiate stronger tax agreements with Switzerland and others. Šemeta heard that they want earlier implementation of our new rules, for stronger administrative cooperation and better transparency. And he heard that they want our high good governance standards to then be exported globally.
Šemeta expects today's discussions to be formalised and turned into decisions without delay. He expects agreement on the stronger Savings Directive within weeks, along with a mandate to start negotiating with Switzerland and the other neighbours. He expects the new EU administrative cooperation rules to be applied fully and swiftly. And with these weapons in the arsenal, the Member States can then start a coherent, coordinated and irrefutable push for greater transparency, automatic exchange of information and tax governance internationally.