Request for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Hamburg in the case Kernkraftwerke Lippe-Ems.

The first question: Does the second sentence, in conjunction with the first sentence, [b], of Article 267 TFEU justify a court of a Member State in referring to the Court of Justice of the European Union questions on the interpretation of EU law which have been put to the national court in connection with the legality of a national law, even if the national court not only has doubts concerning the legality of the national law under EU law, but is also certain that the national law is inconsistent with the national Constitution and therefore, in a parallel case, the national court has already sought a decision from the Constitutional Court which, under national law, alone has jurisdiction to decide on the constitutionality of laws, but the Constitutional Court has not yet given a decision?



Informatiesoort: Nieuws

Rubriek: Europees belastingrecht, Accijns en verbruiksbelastingen

H&I: Previews


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