Deze maand zijn in aflevering 2014/2 de volgende zaken van commentaar voorzien.
- Recast Union Customs Code (comments by Timothy Lyons). Lees dit artikel in Kluwer Navigator
- Ristamäki and Korvola v Finland. Violation of the right to freedom of expression. ECHR (comments by Edwin Thomas). Lees dit artikel in Kluwer Navigator
- Wagner-Raith. Reference for a preliminary ruling. Free movement of capital and third states. Grandfather clause. Bundesfinanzhof (comments by Daniel Smit). Lees dit artikel in Kluwer Navigator
- MDDP. VAT exemption educational services provided by private entities. Court of Justice (comments by Dagmara Dominik-Ogiñska). Lees dit artikel in Kluwer Navigator
- HARK. Tariff classification of a stove pipe set. Court of Justice (comments by Willemijn Schipper). Lees dit artikel in Kluwer Navigator
- JAS v Commission. Remission of import duties is not justified in case on importation of jeans. General Court (comments by Diederik Bogaerts). Lees dit artikel in Kluwer Navigator
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