In aflevering 2015/07 zijn de volgende zaken van commentaar voorzien.
- A Fair and Efficient Corporate Tax System in the European Union: 5 Key Areas for Action. Communication. Action Plan. European Commission. Lees dit artikel in de Kluwer Navigator
- EU and Switzerland sign historic tax transparency agreement (comments by Edwin Thomas). Lees dit artikel in de Kluwer Navigator
- GST — Sarviz AG Germania. Principle of fiscal neutrality of VAT. Person liable for payment of VAT. Court of Justice (comments by Patrick Vettenburg). Lees dit artikel in de Kluwer Navigator
- Drukarnia Multipress. Capital duty directive. Polish partnership limited by shares must be regarded as a capital company. Court of Justice (comments by Edwin Thomas). Lees dit artikel in de Kluwer Navigator
- SMK. Place of supply of services. Recipient of the service identified for value added tax purposes in several Member States. Court of Justice (comments by Tamàs Fehér). Lees dit artikel in de Kluwer Navigator
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