In aflevering 2016/06 zijn de volgende zaken van commentaar voorzien.
- Guberina v Croatia. Authorities' disregard of a handicapped child's needs when applying rules on tax relief was discriminatory. ECHR (comments by Edwin Thomas)
- Dungveckis v. Lithuania. Right not to be tried or punished twice. No violation. ECHR (comments by Edwin Thomas)
- New EU rules for a simpler, faster and safer Customs Union come into force (comments by Piet Jan de Jonge)
- Commission adopts the new Work Programme for the Union Customs Code (UCC) (comments by Piet Jan de Jonge)
- Oniors Bio. Combined Nomenclature. Tariff classification. Mixture of oils. Court of Justice (comments by Erik Mennes)
- X. Reliefs from customs duty. Place of residence. Court of Justice (comments by Piet Jan de Jonge)
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