Prof. em. Henk van Arendonk is gekozen tot lid van het bestuur van de European Association of Tax Law Professors. Sigrid Hemels werd herbenoemd tot deputy member van de academic committee.
Tijdens het jaarlijkse congres van de European Association of Tax Law Professors op 28 mei 2015 in Milaan is prof. em. Henk van Arendonk, emeritus hoogleraar Belastingrecht van de Erasmus Universiteit gekozen tot lid van het bestuur. Tevens is prof. Sigrid Hemels, hoogleraar Belastingrecht aan de EUR, herbenoemd tot deputy member van de academic committee van deze internationale vereniging van hoogleraren belastingrecht. Dit betekent een sterke vertegenwoordiging van fiscalisten van de ESL in deze vereniging. 

About the European Association of Tax Law Professors (EATLP) 

On 10 June 1999 about 80 professors of tax law from all countries of the European Union met at the Stockholm School of Economics and decided to found the European Association of Tax Law Professors (EATLP).  On 8 November 1999 the EATLP Statute was formally signed and registered with civil law notary as an association under Dutch law. 
As is indicated in the preamble of the EATLP Statute the founders were aware of the general importance of taxation for the development of the European Union, the wealth of the nations and the welfare of the society.  Because of the importance of taxation for the further development of Europe the association wants to contribute to:
  • the development of  a common approach to the study of tax issues;
  • the harmonisation of taxes within the European Union;
  • the promotion of academic teaching & research on international, domestic and comparative taxation at the universities in Europe.
To achieve this goals the Association will:
  • organise an annual congress;
  • promote contacts between professors of tax law within Europe;
  • make efforts to establish tax law curricula at all universities un Europe.

Bron: Erasmus School of Law

Informatiesoort: Nieuws

Rubriek: Kantoren


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